Innovative Solutions to Minimize Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture
SERA-17 Is:
- The Southern Extension and Research Activity (SERA)-17
- An Information Exchange Group (IEG) administered through the Southern Region Land Grant Universities
- Composed of research scientists, policy makers, extension personnel, and educators
The Mission of SERA-17 is to bring together a diversity of disciplines to discuss, disseminate, coordinate, and facilitate the research and management needs related to the management of nutrients (particularly P), their transport in surface and subsurface flows, and their impact on the quality of receiving waters.
Our objectives are to;
- Advance the science around P in the landscape, with an emphasis on agriculture.
- Develop standardized, robust protocols for field, lab and modeling efforts for advancing the science around P bioavailability, fate, and transport in the landscape.
- Respond to stakeholders on priority areas related to P management in agriculture.
- Communicate the science to the knowledge-users through information-sharing and development of toolkits and indices.