
General Publications

The importance of consensus science to managing phosphorus in the environment: SERA-17 and the legacy of Andrew Sharpley

 A review of the development and implementation of the critical source area concept: A reflection of Andrew Sharpley’s role in improving water quality

Balancing agriculture and environment: Andrew Sharpley’s nutrient, soil, and water management legacy

A Short History of the Phosphorus Index and Andrew Sharpley’s Contributions from Inception Through Development and Implementation

Agricultural Phosphorus and Eutrophication – Second Edition

Best Management Practices to Minimize Agricultural Phosphorus Impacts on Water Quality

Phosphorus and Soil Health Management Practices

The Pivotal Role of Phosphorus in a Resilient Water–Energy–Food Security Nexus

The State of the Science of Phosphorus – Symposium Proceedings, Wye Mills, MD, 2015

Methods of Sampling and Analysis for Phosphorus in Soils, Sediments and Manures

Methods of Phosphorus Analysis  – First Edition, 2000

Methods of Phosphorus Analysis – Second Edition, 2009

Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis – 2003

Manure Nutrients and Their Behavior in Soil – 2009

Phosphorus Conservation Practices – Fact Sheets

Barnyard/Feedlot Runoff Management

Blind Inlets to Reduce Sediment Loading from Farmed Depressional Areas

Conservation Practices for Reducing Snowmelt Runoff Phosphorus

Constructed Wetlands

Cover Crops

Dietary Phosphorus Levels for Dairy Cows

Drainage Water Management (Controlled Drainage)

Erosion Control Systems

Filter Strips

Grassed Waterways

Lake and Pond Treatment for Phosphorus Inactivation

Management of Spray Fields

Manure Testing

Milkhouse Treatment Areas

No-Till and Reduced Tillage

Nutrient Management

Optimizing Grazing Management

Phosphorus Balance

Phosphorus Loss with Surface Irrigation

Phosphorus Removal Structures

Phosphorus Sources, Application Rate, Timing, and Methods

Physical Manure Treatment (Solids Separation)

Phytase to Reduce Phosphorus Losses from Manure

Reducing Phosphorus Runoff from Urban Landscapes

Riparian Buffer Zones

Septic Drain Field Design and Maintenance

Soil Phosphorus Testing

Spreader Calibration

Streambank and Shoreline Protection

Strip Cropping

Tailwater Recovery


Treating Biosolids with Water Treatment Residuals to Reduce Phosphorus Runoff

Treating Liquid Swine and Dairy Manure with Aluminum Chloride

Treating Poultry Litter with Aluminum Sulfate (Alum)

Vegetative Mining

Phosphorus Indexing

Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Practice Standard

National Instruction

Nutrient Management Policy

Revision of the 590 Nutrient Management Standards – Recommendations

Revision of the 590 Nutrient Management Standards – Supporting Documentation

Technical Guidance for Assessing Phosphorus Indices

National Phosphorus Research Projects

Protocol: National Research Project for Simulated Rainfall – Surface Runoff Studies

National Phosphorus Project: Interfacing Agricultural and Environmental Phosphorus Management in the US
Andrew Sharpley, Peter Kleinman and Bob Wright, USDA-ARS
Tommy Daniel, University of Arkansas
Brad Joern, Purdue University
Roberta Parry, US EPA
Terry Sobecki, USDA-NRCS

Iowa, 2006 – Relationship Between Soil and Runoff Phosphorus for Three Typical Iowa Soils
Antonio P. Mallarino, Brett L. Allen and Mazhar U. Haq, Iowa State University

Manitoba, 2006 – Phosphorus Risk Indicators: Correlation with Water Quality in Manitoba
Esther Salvano and Don Flaten, University of Manitoba

New Hampshire, 2001 – National Phosphorus Runoff Project: New Hampshire
Tom Buob and Elizabeth Rochette, University of New Hampshire
Peter Kleinman and Andrew Sharpley, USDA-ARS

New York, 2001 – National Phosphorus Runoff Project: New York
Peter Kleinman and Andrew Sharpley, USDA-ARS
Ray Bryant, Karl Czymmek and Quirine Ketterings, Cornell University

Pennsylvania, 2001 – Soil Phosphorus and Overland Flow Phosphorus Relationships
Andrew Sharpley, Peter Kleinman and Jennifer Weld, USDA-ARS
Richard McDowell, AgResearch Ltd

Pennsylvania, 2001 – Rainfall Simulator and Plot Scale Compression
Andrew Sharpley and Peter Kleinman, USDA-ARS

Puerto Rico, 2005 – National Phosphorus Runoff Project: Puerto Rico
David Sotomayor-Ramírez, University of Puerto Rico

Virginia, 2001 – National Phosphorus Runoff Project: Virginia
Greg Mullins, Virginia Tech

Position Papers

Introduction to Position Papers

Position Papers on Key Scientific Issues (compilation of 1-5 below) – 2005

1. Phosphorus Indices to Predict Risk for Phosphorus Runoff

2. Predicting Phosphorus Losses

3. Soil Phosphorus Threshold Levels

4. Phosphorus Determination in Waters and Extracts of Soils and By-Products: ICP vs Color Methodology

5. The Importance of Sampling Depth when Testing Soils for their Potential to Supply Phosphorus to Surface Runoff

6. Phosphorus Management Within Multi-State Watersheds

7. Soil Sampling Methods for Phosphorus – Spatial Concerns

8. Threshold P Survey