Sharpley Award

Andrew Sharpley Early Career Award
in Agricultural Phosphorus Sustainability

Nominations Due October 18, 2024


We invite submissions of nominations for SERA-17 Andrew Sharpley Early Career Award in Agricultural Phosphorus Sustainability. This award (certificate) recognized professionals who have made an outstanding contribution in leadership in the advancement of agricultural phosphorus sustainability and management through research, teaching, extension or industry activity within seven years of completing their terminal degree. The award consists of a certificate of recognition, and listing this recognition on the SERA-17 website. One award will be given approximately every two years, adjudicated by the SERA-17 executive committee.


Nominees must have completed their terminal degree within seven years of the award date. Nominees are required to be members of SERA-17, but nominators are not required to be members of SERA-17. Self-nominations are not accepted. Individuals (not teams) may be nominated, with no more than one nomination submitted by a nominator.


The award will be made for creativityoriginality and impact of research, teaching, extension and/or industry contributions in the area of agricultural phosphorus sustainability and management.


Please submit the nomination document as a single pdf file electronically by October 18, 2024 to:

Merrin Macrae (past Chair)
Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 Canada


Nominations should be in the form of a short (2 page) curriculum vitae and a single nomination letter (1-page maximum length) with one or multiple signatories.

I. Nominee Qualifications (CV, 2 pages maximum):

A. Nominee Name and Degrees Received
B. Professional Positions Held
C. Honors and Awards
D. Contributions to Research, Teaching, Extension and/or Industry

II. Nomination Letter (1 page max)

A. Nominator Name and Current Position Title
B. Inspiring Young Scientist Summary (Summarize the primary contributions on which the nomination is based.